Proceedings BIODIV2024


Drafting of the Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Mediterranean Biodiversity
(BIODIV 2024)

In the framework of the Fourth Conference on Mediterranean Biodiversity (BIODIV-‎‎2024), held from 3 to 5 May 2024 in Sousse (Tunisia) on « Biodiversity and Climate Change », ASCOB-Syrtis proposes to edit the official proceedings of the conference and invite participants to submit their enriched abstracts (Four pages) before ‎April 5, 2025.

For more information, please consult the Author Guidelines.

Submissions must be sent via email to and

The email subject line should be: « BIODIV-2024 Proceedings: First Author’s Name and Surname. »

Two notes will be selected for publication in the INSTM Bulletin: Marine and Freshwater Sciences.

We thank you for your participation and your commitment to promoting the results of BIODIV-‎‎2024. ‎